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Stansted Airport College features in new AOC and ITN video

The Association of Colleges (AoC) has partnered with ITN Productions to launch ‘Learning for Life,’ a flagship news-style programme championing the benefits of a college education for the individual and the wider UK economy.

With 266 colleges in England educating and training 2.2 million young people and adults, further education is playing a pivotal role in developing career opportunities, enhancing skills, creating future leaders, transforming lives and serving businesses.

Presented by national newsreader Natasha Kaplinsky, ‘Learning for Life’ showcases the myriad of vocational college courses on offer and highlights how colleges are providing the essential foundations for narrowing the national skills gap and overcoming regional disparities, ensuring the UK economy survives and thrives.

Working with employers to create bespoke student programmes that better support the business landscape and contribute to more meaningful careers, colleges across the country are developing a highly-skilled, industry-ready workforce meeting the ever-increasing global demands of the modern world and providing an alternative viable career path to university education.

In an interview, David Hughes, the Chief Executive of the Association of Colleges, highlights how AoC supports the success of colleges across the UK and discusses the effect that government cuts to funding have had upon the further education sector.

Drawing upon ITN’s 60-year heritage and expertise in storytelling, the news-style programme will combine interviews and reports with sponsored editorial profiles from leading Colleges and organisations: Cornwall College Group, Dudley College, Barnsley College, Sunderland College, Exeter College, Solihull College, City Lit, Vision Express, Mindful Education, Burton and South Derbyshire College, Virgin Media, Truro and Penwith College, Stansted Airport College, Lloyds Banking Group, Pearson, East Durham College, KPMG, Barking and Dagenham College, Reed Education, National Education Union, Newcastle and Stafford Colleges Group and the EON Group.

David Hughes, Chief Executive, AOC said: “Whenever somebody visits a college for the first time, they say ‘wow! I didn’t realise that colleges do all of that’. This partnership between Association of Colleges and ITN Productions gives even more people the opportunity to have their wow moment.”

Elizabeth Fisher-Robins, Head of Industry News, ITN Productions, said: “We’re delighted partner with the Association of Colleges to produce a programme exploring the pivotal role of Colleges in the UK. We hope the content can be used to share remarkable stories, highlight new innovations and teaching methods in education and demonstrate the wide variety of courses available.”

Karen Spencer, Principal of Harlow College, said: "We are delighted to be part of the Learning for Life film which showcases the amazing work colleges do to support learning and their communities. I am so proud to work in the Further Education sector - I really believe we make a meaningful difference to our student’s lives, their opportunities and their careers."

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