Cracking Easter Competition at Stansted Airport College

Offer holders at the new Stansted Airport College took part in a treasure hunt during the Easter holidays, where several Easter eggs hidden on the College website revealed clues to an egg-citing competition!

A golden ticket, complete with chocolate bar, was sent to everyone who cracked the clues, with one lucky winner scooping the top prize of a £40 Amazon gift voucher.

Rosie, a Year 11 pupil at Helena Romanes in Dunmow, who won the top prize, said, ‘It was quite a shock when I got my golden ticket and realised I was the winner of a gift voucher. I had been to an Open Evening at Stansted Airport College, where all the teachers were enthusiastic and it was a really good atmosphere - everyone was so happy to be there.’

Rosie will be joining Stansted Airport College in September to study Hospitality and Events Management. ‘When I read about the course I thought it looked very practical and you could potentially meet VIPs in the industry. I found this very interesting.

‘I heard about the college from my own school, in Dunmow, where a careers guide came in and recommended it to me. The Hospitality industry is something I’m really been interested in and I can’t wait to start.’

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