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Coronavirus Update – Latest Advice

Harlow College understands that this is a very uncertain time for everyone who was expecting to sit exams this summer. We know that students and parents may be worried about how that might affect plans to start a course with us in September. 

You will still be able to take up a place at College next academic year and we will follow government guidelines to ensure that you can progress to the right course of study. 

The Department for Education has outlined plans to award students a calculated grade for their GCSEs and A levels this summer and an exam option for those that wish to take it as soon as is reasonably possible after schools and colleges reopen.


We will respond quickly and fairly to all further guidance from the government to ensure students are able to continue with their education with the minimum disruption and are not disadvantaged.

Harlow College will continue to operate a limited admissions service to ensure online applications and telephone interviews can continue during this closure period. You can access course information and apply online by visiting https://www.harlow-college.ac.uk/apply for Harlow College and http://www.stanstedairportcollege.ac.uk/about/course-guide-2019-20 for Stansted Airport College.

Any questions regarding applications and interviews can be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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