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Coronavirus Update - Latest

You will have no doubt seen the news about early years, school and college closures from next Monday 23rd March 2020, other than to particular vulnerable groups and key worker children. 

Educational establishments all over the country are currently working through the implications and awaiting to receive further details from government. We do not currently have guidance on what constitutes a key worker or arrangements for vulnerable groups. Please bear with us, as we will be unable to answer any questions until we have received further details.

As soon as we have these we will send information out to parents, carers and students. For those students who were due to sit exams and take assessments, there will be plans from government in place for you to get your qualifications. We are awaiting further information and will share this as soon as available.  It is still our current intention, as communicated earlier in the week, to move study online from Monday 23rd March - keep learning and stay resilient. 


For those apprentices who were due to sit exams and take assessments, there will be plans from government in place for you to gain your Apprenticeship. We are awaiting further information and will share as soon as available.  We are also aware that some apprentices have been made redundant because of the financial insecurity for business - if you are in this position, please make contact with us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will work out how we can support you to continue learning to gain a qualification. Keep learning and stay resilient.

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