Stansted Airport College launches first Student Celebration Awards

STAC student celebration 2019

Stansted Airport College held its first Student Celebration Awards on Wed 3 July, to recognise the outstanding achievements of its first intake of trainees since the College opened its doors in September 2018.

The College is a partnership between London Stansted Airport and Harlow College – the first of its kind at any airport in the country, offering courses in Aviation, Cabin Crew, Hospitality, Events Management, Engineering and Aircraft Maintenance.

The Student Celebration Awards recognise the outstanding achievement made by students this year. They celebrate a wide range of achievements from academic success to sheer determination and effort. 

The inaugural ceremony was held in the plush surroundings of the Novotel, Stansted, where students and proud parents mingled with dignitaries including Cllr Lodge, Leader of Uttlesford District Council, Uttlesford District Cllr Light, Paula Hornett from Essex County Council, Louise Aitkin from the South East Local Enterprise Partnership and Jonathan Oates, Corporate Affairs Director at London Stansted Airport.

The ceremony began with a superbly scripted in-flight safety demonstration, complete with Cabin Crew students in the aisles, before handing over to the hosts, Leo Shepherd and Claudia Agnes, both Performing Arts students at Harlow College, who guided us through the evening with a mixture of professionalism and humour. 

Among the prestigious awards were the Outstanding Contribution to Stansted Airport College Award, won by Engineering Apprentice Rares Turcu; the Inspiring the Next Generation Award, presented to Level 3 Engineering student Molly Clark and the Graduate of 2019 Award, scooped by Level 3 Aviation Operation student Rachel Newman.

There were also awards for learners from Stansted Airport Academy, who deliver employment and skills training in partnership with Harlow College for those seeking a career at Stansted Airport.

Jonathan Oates, Corporate Affairs Director at London Stansted Airport, who closed the ceremony with a moving and powerful speech, said:

“We are delighted that the first year of our Stansted Airport College has been such a success. The dedication and determination shown by the students graduating this year shows that the future of the aviation industry is in safe hands, and we couldn’t be prouder. These first students will pave the way for more like-minded young people to take advantage of this excellent facility, and we are extremely excited to see what the next few years will bring.”

Vesela Ivanova, Employment and Skills Manager at Stansted Airport Academy said of the evening:

“This celebration has provided us at the Stansted Airport Employment and Skills Academy with an excellent platform to recognise the students that have gone above and beyond in this past year. We couldn’t be prouder to have supported them on their journey into airport employment and we look forward to celebrating many more successes in the years to come.”

Karen Spencer, Principal and Chief Executive of Stansted Airport College, said:

“Student celebrations are always special but this one is particularly memorable as these young people are our very first Stansted Airport College award winners. I particularly want to thank everyone who has supported them to get to this stage, from the Airport and its business partners, to the Councils and funders, to the committed staff and supportive parents - without all of you they wouldn’t be realising their dream of working in the Aviation Industry.”

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