Aviation Operations

  • Aviation Operations
  • Level: 2
  • Study Mode: Full-time
  • Start Date: September 2025

Entry Requirements:

5 GCSEs grade 3-9. Interview.

If you have not yet achieved a grade 4 or above in Maths and English you will be required to continue to develop your Maths and English skills throughout the duration of this programme until you meet the required standard.

What's it all about?:

Stansted Airport is expanding rapidly resulting in a demand for skilled workers to work within a variety of roles specifically around flight operations, airside and landside operations. This qualification is designed to provide learners with an understanding of the principles of working within the aviation sector. The primary purpose is to allow leaners to progress to the L3 programme or into employment by gaining a number of transferable skills.

How long is the course?:

1 year – minimum 2 days a week

How much does it cost?:

There is a range of financial support that you may be entitled to, including: Learner Support funds, grants and bursaries and employer support.

Additional course costs of approx. £100 a year will apply. This will cover the cost of educational visits, textbooks, guest speakers etc.

What will I do?:

The course consists of 13 Mandatory units, including:

  • Health & Safety in Aviation
  • Aviation Security
  • Aviation Communications
  • Customer Service in Aviation
  • Problem Solving in Aviation

Engagement with Employers is a mandatory element of this qualification. A minimum of 30hours work experience is required as part of this programme

Assessment methods include a combination of examinations, written assignments and a Portfolio of Evidence.

What can I do next?:

You can progress onto a Level 3 programme in Aviation Operations. You can also progress to an apprenticeship in airside operations, as a ground specialist and many more.


This qualification is the first stepping stone towards a number of exciting and sustainable careers within the aviation industry and many other businesses. Example job roles include Customer Service Agent, Baggage Handler, Airport Ambassador, Refuellers, Ramp Agents. Further study and experience can lead you to becoming an Air Traffic Controller, Security Manager, Ground Operations Manager, Crew Operations Co-ordinator and more.

Proud to work with:

We currently work closely with a number of companies to ensure learners are developing the skills they require to successfully progress into work with a reputable business. Watch out for guest speakers, behind the scenes tours, work experience and apprenticeship opportunities with top companies such as Flightworx, Universal Aviation, Manchester Airport Group, Essex Police and many more.

How to Apply:


Call 01279 868100 and chat with one our friendly Admissions team or ask us a question

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