Entry Requirements:
- 5 GCSEs grade 4+, must include maths AND English at grade 4+
- A keen interest in pursuing a career in the Travel or Aviation industry
- Pass an interview
What's it all about?:
Stansted Airport flies to 190+ destinations and serves over £25million passengers per year and is expanding rapidly resulting in a demand for skilled cabin crew. This qualification is designed to provide learners with an excellent understanding of the principles of working within the aviation sector. Leaners can then go into employment or progress onto a full L3 Extended Diploma in T&T – Aviation Pathway, in year 2. Main aim is to seek University entrance to study a degree programme after year 2. Can be useful for careers areas such as aviation, catering and hospitality, Leisure, management and Travel and Tourism.
How long is the course?:
2 years – minimum 2.5 days a week
How much does it cost?:
Free to those aged 16-18
There is a range of financial support that you may be entitled to, including: Learner Support funds, grants and bursaries and employer support.
Additional course costs of approx. £100 a year will apply. This will cover the cost of educational visits, textbooks, guest speakers etc.
Learners will also need to pay a £75 deposit for the use of college iPad.
What will I do?:
Core Modules
- The UK Travel and Tourism Industry
- Preparation for a career in the Travel & Tourism Industry
- Customer Service in the Travel & Tourism
Optional Modules
6 additional units selected by teachers from an extensive list of 27 optional units selected by the College. Examples may be:
- Aviation Communication
- UK Airports
- Airport Ground Operations
- Airline Health, Safety and Security
- Worldwide Passenger Airlines
- Customer Service in T&T
How will I be assessed?:
Units have individual tasks or Learning outcomes that are graded and there are usually 3-4 Learning Outcomes to complete per unit. These are assessed to collectively provide a unit grade, these in turn are collectively reviewed via a points system to provide a single overall course grade. Continuous assessment via assignments set with deadlines for all tasks, but no formal end of year exam. The assignments may require responses such as written report, role plays, presentations (Written and verbal), a professional discussion with a teacher, summaries of a researched case study, in class questionnaire with a pass mark required of minimum 50%
What to Expect?:
Class, group, pairs and individual activities and discussions/debates, Role plays, presentation, visits and guest speakers, quizzes, surveys and questionnaires, external agency activities.
Potential trips may include: Museums, The Airport, An Airline, The Houses of Parliament, Police or Airport Emergency Exercise.
Guest Speakers:
- RAF and Army representatives
- Airlines
- Area specialists from the Airport
- Local community representatives
- Representatives from specialist organistions such as: BGA Go Gliding, The CAA, Ambassdors from the Department for Transport, Talentview, Police amd Border Force, RAes
This qualification is the first stepping stone towards a number of exciting and sustainable careers within the aviation industry and many other businesses.
Example job roles include:
- Ground Operations various roles e.g. flight planning, baggage handling, customer service roles
- Pilot training
- Cabin Crew
- 3rd party support services
- Air Traffic Control
Proud to work with:
We currently work closely with a number of companies to ensure learners are developing the skills they require to successfully progress into work with a reputable airline or organisation. Watch out for guest speakers, behind the scenes tours, work experience and apprenticeship opportunities with top companies such as Manchester Airport Group, Jet2, Flightworx and many more.
Additional Info:
Previous year learners have participated in a multi-agency full Airport Emergency Exercise and have worked experience in various roles around Stansted Airport such as Ranger, Operations control room, Customer service and Airport ambassadors.
How to Apply:

Call 01279 868100 and chat with one our friendly Admissions team or ask us a question